
Career and life changing internship. I am much more familiar with the graduate landscape. I developed a lot of skills that I am using this semester in my studies.

Tristan Monahan, 2021 Intern

The talk from the elder was a very enriching experience and one that I did not expect to have given the circumstances of COVID-19. It was really humbling. Ray is also a wealth of knowledge who I enjoyed learning a lot from. Having community members speaking to us directly regarding their experiences working with academia and the government was an important part that should be included every year.

Carter Kuiper, 2020 intern

I have learned so much from my placement … useful skills that I can apply to future jobs/careers. I am so grateful to have such an incredible opportunity to learn this much in such a great work atmosphere.

Sydney Enns, 2020 intern

I have learned that we should be managing our water bodies by investigating the health of organism populations as water scarcity can become a threat in the future if we are not monitoring for changes. By having knowledge of indicators it would help in monitoring of the Athabasca river.

Janelle Flett, 2020 intern

Knowledge gained from these internships could be used to mobilize indigenous communities and help create sustainable solutions for timber harvesting or conservation of endangered species. The water monitoring opportunity could be especially impactful for indigenous communities, as some of them are very dependent on natural water sources.

Clay Gottschalk, 2020 intern

Understanding more about Indigenous Laws will help me to better understand how I can help communities to work towards sustainability, protect their land and other objectives they have related to the environment, sustainability, and sovereignty.

Kienna Shkopich-Hunter, 2020 intern

I learned specific skills ranging from field skills like construction and deployment of non invasive track tubes to more practical ones like email etiquette and scientific reading/writing skills.

Garret Tierney, 2020 intern

I chose this work, above other offers this summer specifically because I think it will give me good experience for a masters and PhD.

Alyssa Chatz, 2020 intern

I learned so much during this internship and was fully immersed in research. My supervisor was great and made sure I got to work on multiple projects and made sure I was getting a lot out of the experience.

Lauren Perras, 2020 intern