Upcoming Seminar Week (please save the date!). June 15-19, 2020 will feature a special week of cutting edge seminars, presentations and interactive discourse on topical and trending areas in environmental disciplines. You can find the program details here.
I-STEAM Orientation. On May 1st, 2020, I-STEAM welcomed our first ever cohort of interns to the 2020 summer internship project.
Internship Projects Underway. Currently, 13 interns are participating in 11 environmental projects supervised by leading environmental experts and professors from various environmental disciplines at UAlberta!
What Interns’ have said. Here are some comments made by a couple of current I-STEAM interns:
“Understanding more about Indigenous Laws will help me to better understand how I can help communities to work towards sustainability, protect their land and other objectives they have related to the environment, sustainability, and sovereignty.” KS.
“I can see myself using this opportunity to impact my community by using the knowledge I will gain to educate (K-12)students in my mother’s school about the interconnection between the Indigenous community, abiotic/biotic factors and the environment.” L.P.
My goal is to work in the field, and make a living by combining my two passions: science and the outdoors. G.T.
Knowledge gained from these internships could be used to mobilize indigenous communities and help create sustainable solutions for timber harvesting or conservation of endangered species. The water monitoring opportunity could be especially impactful for indigenous communities, as some of them are very dependent on natural water sources. C.G.
“I have learned that we should be managing our waterbodies by investigating the health of organism population as water scarcity can become a threat in the future if we are not monitoring for changes. By having knowledge of indicators it would help in monitoring of the Athabasca river.” J.F.
Watch this space for future News, Events and internship experience Updates!!