I-STEAM Pathways: Environmental Research Internships for Indigenous Students

Providing research experience for First Nations, Métis and Inuit undergraduate students in environmental fields including science, environmental engineering, environmental law and policy.
Fostering systemic change through the incorporation of Indigenous values and worldviews in environmental policy and planning.

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I learned specific skills ranging from field skills like construction and deployment of non invasive track tubes to more practical ones like email etiquette and scientific reading/writing skills.

Garret Tierney, 2020 intern

I was able to be a part of the I-STEAM community for the past three years, two of which were through internships. My involvement began in the summer of 2021 which first introduced me to field research. I had never done any lab research before and I was really intimidated by the idea of working in a lab but the I-STEAM program works diligently to help students have a positive experience and see if a future in graduate school is something they would want to pursue…From this program I have been able to fall in love with bees and I am applying to graduate school in the states for fall 2024. I am actually being flown out to a campus in Colorado to see if I would like to apply to grad school there. My lab has been a huge support for me which I would have never discovered without the I-STEAM program.

Tianna Tanasichuk, Region 2 Métis, 2021/2022 intern