I-STEAM Pathways: Environmental Research Internships for Indigenous Students

Providing research experience for First Nations, Métis and Inuit undergraduate students in environmentally-related fields including science, environmental engineering, environmental law and policy, and planetary health.
Fostering systemic change through culturally appropriate incorporation of Indigenous knowledge and values in environmental policy and planning.

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I chose this work, above other offers this summer specifically because I think it will give me good experience for a masters and PhD.

Alyssa Chatz, 2020 intern

The talk from the elder was a very enriching experience and one that I did not expect to have given the circumstances of COVID-19. It was really humbling. Ray is also a wealth of knowledge who I enjoyed learning a lot from. Having community members speaking to us directly regarding their experiences working with academia and the government was an important part that should be included every year.

Carter Kuiper, 2020 intern